Monday, October 25, 2010

Oct 26th meeting

Tomorrow is our next MOPS meeting. Yeah! Our photography panel is all set to go and I am excited to learn a lot from them. I wanted to remind you all that this meeting is our PJ day, come prepared for our annual donut awards - slippers, robes, messy hair, and PJed kiddos are all welcome! It is also our Operation Christmas Child meeting and Christmas Cheer Collection day. Below are a few tips for these events.

  • Please bring a wrapped shoe box if possible to help get the project finished, wrapping paper will also be available if needed.
  • It is $7 per box suggested donation for shipping of each box, an envelope will be available for donations, checks can be made to Samaritan's Purse
  • Bring shoe boxed sized stuffing items - buying multi packs are great! We can break them up into several boxes

Christmas Cheer:
We have been asked to gather 35 of each of the following items to go in a gift bags for elderly in our community who are alone for the holidays
  • Toiletries (preferably soap or shampoo)
  • Tea bags (several for each person, boxes that have individually wrapped bags can be broken up)
  • Writing utensils
  • Puzzle books
We will also have an envelope available for donations for this project so we can go shopping for any items that are still needed to fill the gaps. Checks for this project can be made to Sara Weeks. Thanks!

Whew! It is going to be a great meeting!

Save the date: Moms night out Nov. 19th.....More details to come! See you Tuesday, Odessa

MOPS meetings...

Childcare is provided for birth to 5 years old by our happy workers and they look forward to attending to your children so you can have a break. Learn and laugh with other moms with young kids.

Returning moms: the meeting cost is $2. If you are new to MOPS, worried about what to expect, please come and let us welcome you -- your first meeting is free! A one-time fee of $23.95 pays for the MOPs International membership and includes a subscription to MOMsense magazine, weekly emails, and a book.

MOPS is the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, from September to May.