Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Photography Panel, Oct 26, 2010 meeting

Photography Panel

A big thanks to our Mom photographers, Jill, Alysun, and Kellie. Your tips were very helpful and inspired us to all get out our cameras and take a few more pictures.

Here are a few tips from our speakers.

Perspective- Move yourself, not the subject. Get down to the kids level, look up sometimes. Don't always have to take a picture of faces, can get backs, feet etc.

Rule of Thirds- Don't always center photo. Scenery, sky, something in front, etc. Break down photograph into thirds. Some pictures do break the rules.

Focus-Easiest way to get into focus is to put shutter 1/2 way down, move camera, keeps focus.

Light Reflector- Can use laminated calendar, white piece of paper, etc. Move around and can see the difference of lighting on the subject.

Flash-Best to use only if the only way to capture moment, otherwise try and not use.

Sun- Photos in sun, move subject so sun not on them, but over the shoulder.

Shade- Best to take pictures in full shade, while there is a bright sun out. Face sun in the shade.

Metering- Aiming and focusing. Aim at the light, aim away from the light, think dark, lets more light in.

How do you get a child out of their shell? Have dad or other child help, when see smiles, snap away. Also bubbles or funny sounds.

Shutter speed-When photographing kids, keep at least at 1/320.

Blur- Low apperature. On point in shoot camera, use macro mode or background far away

Be sure to check out Alysun and Kellie's photography websites at and

Remember to just KEEP SHOOTING and PRACTICING!!!!

For larger image of handout, click on image

A big thanks to everyone who brought items for Operation Christmas Child, it was a huge success.

MOPS meetings...

Childcare is provided for birth to 5 years old by our happy workers and they look forward to attending to your children so you can have a break. Learn and laugh with other moms with young kids.

Returning moms: the meeting cost is $2. If you are new to MOPS, worried about what to expect, please come and let us welcome you -- your first meeting is free! A one-time fee of $23.95 pays for the MOPs International membership and includes a subscription to MOMsense magazine, weekly emails, and a book.

MOPS is the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, from September to May.